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Digital Identity New Zealand

Towards a Better Digital Identity Trust Framework in Aotearoa


It’s a great pleasure to share with you DINZ Reflections Report, a seminal piece of work that DINZ’s Digital Identity Trust Framework working group has developed over several months. While Trust Frameworks are not a novel concept, their application to the digital identity space is much more recent, and new to Aotearoa. 

DINZ’s Reflections Report is industry’s response to the Final Report published in April by the Select Committee members of the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee that responds to and makes recommendations based on the submissions made on the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill at the end of last year. The Select Committee is not expert in the subject matter of Digital Identity Trust Frameworks. However DINZ does have essential subject matter and operational expertise with an inherent obligation to share its experience for better outcomes in Aotearoa. DINZ welcomes the continued passage of the bill through Parliament recognising that the opportunity to change it substantially during this period is small. It is more likely that the detail contained in the DINZ Reflections Report will be considered once the regulatory operation of the Act is underway.     

It is a classic example of the demonstrable value of DINZ – Aotearoa’s own digital identity industry association – and for that matter all associations operating under the NZ Tech Alliance banner. DINZ’s members comprise both local and international digital identity service providers, providers of identity and eligibility attributes, relying parties and individual subject matter experts. Many have first-hand overseas experience of Trust Framework operations in digital identity and in other domains that can inform the future of Trust Framework operations and conversations around Digital Trust more broadly in Aotearoa. 

Be it submissions, responses to consultation papers, or reports like this Reflections Report, each participating member leaves their vested interest at the door to voluntarily pool their skills and knowledge in pursuit of better outcomes for all New Zealanders.

Read more here.

Digital Identity New Zealand A purpose driven, inclusive, membership funded organisation, whose members have a shared passion for the opportunities that digital identity can offer. Digital Identity NZ supports a sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy digital future for all New Zealanders.