About Digital Identity NZ
Digital Identity NZ was formed to help New Zealand’s transformation as a digital nation, where everyone can prove who they are digitally to organisations in a secure and trusted way.
Digital Identity NZ is a purpose driven, inclusive, membership funded organisation, whose members have a shared passion for the opportunities that digital identity can offer. Digital Identity NZ supports a sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy digital future for all New Zealanders.
Our Vision:
Aotearoa New Zealand is a country where people can express their identity using validated and trusted digital means in order to fully participate in a digital economy and society.
Our Mission:
Our mission or purpose is to empower a unified, trusted and inclusive digital identity ecosystem for Aotearoa New Zealand that enhances Kāwanatanga (honourable governance), Rangatiratanga (self-determination & agency) and Ōritetanga (equity & partnerships).
Our key strategies are:

Digital Identity is essential to enable user consent-driven data sharing, digital services and transactions that deliver greater convenience at lower cost that are both secure and privacy respecting. Members collaborate and leverage user journey experiences, insight and expert knowledge to support the development and adoption of Verifiable Credentials, the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework and other emerging private and public sector initiatives that ‘lift the bar’ of digital trust in Aotearoa’s established and emerging digital ecosystems.
Our Work and Event Recordings give a flavour of the range of activities we undertake in our mission.
Get Connected
Join us as we create a united approach to digital identity for the benefit of all New Zealanders.
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