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Digital Identity New Zealand

Digital Identity New Zealand (DINZ) Briefs New Ministers on Advancing Digital Identity Landscape


The not-for-profit, Digital Identity New Zealand (DINZ), has provided a briefing to incoming Ministers Collins, Lee and vanVelden highlighting the opportunity to move Aotearoa New Zealand forward to become a more productive digital economy through the adoption and use of digital identity (identification).

In its briefing, DINZ emphasises the critical role digital identity plays in fostering trust in online transactions and services. 

“A trusted digital economy necessitates assurances that users are who they claim to be, that the services we use are genuine and that products we purchase are what they claim to be. This ecosystem of mutual trust is crucial for any government promoting its country’s digital economy, domestically and to the world,” says DINZ Executive Director Colin Wallis.

The briefing outlines opportunities and challenges, including improving digital identity laws and implementation in New Zealand, alongside recommendations to help move New Zealand forward to a more efficient and productive economy.

Opportunities and Challenges:

Globally, the digital identity verification check market was valued at $11.6 billion USD in 2022, expected to reach $20.8 billion USD by 2027.

DINZ estimates that embracing digital identity could boost New Zealand’s economy by 0.5%-3% of GDP, equating to roughly $1.5 billion to $9 billion NZD.

Despite the positive step of passing the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework (DISTF) Act in April 2023, arguably development of digital identity in New Zealand is slower compared with international common law counterparts. However, DINZ acknowledges the positive efforts by DIA in the compilation of the rules for accreditation and its intentions regarding market uptake. 

DINZ sees five opportunities to improve digital identity related laws and implementation:

  • Work with DINZ through the implementation of the DISTF Act
  • Make sure the digital identity related requirements in the Customer & Product Data bill harmonise with the DISTF
  • Ensure the Privacy Act 2020 appropriately directs how biometrics technology collects, processes and stores information, with input from DINZ
  • Fill the current vacuum in child online safety by leveraging work undertaken in the UK and EU
  • Work with DINZ to make authoritative sources of identity available digitally as verifiable credentials.

“DINZ is enthusiastic about engaging with government officials over the next five years. We look forward to contributing to the development of key digital identity initiatives, educating the public and businesses, and supporting the implementation of the DISTF,” says Colin.

View DINZ’s Briefings to Incoming Ministers here.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Colin Wallis
DINZ Executive Director
021 961 955

Digital Identity New Zealand A purpose driven, inclusive, membership funded organisation, whose members have a shared passion for the opportunities that digital identity can offer. Digital Identity NZ supports a sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy digital future for all New Zealanders.