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Digital Identity New Zealand

March Newsletter – Growth and momentum in the Digital Identity ecosystem


Kia ora Readers,

Like all New Zealanders we want to acknowledge and express our deepest sympathy for the tragic and horrific events of last Friday. We stand strong with the vast array of communities that form the fabric of our country, and stand proud behind our Prime Minister in her compassionate and powerful response.

I’d like to welcome to all the new members of the Digital Identity NZ community. We now have more than 50 organisations on board, ranging from the largest of our corporations, agencies and technology providers (both local and international), through to our newest innovative startups and not-for-profits. We’re talking with interested and prospective members every day, and are looking forward to the collaboration opportunities that will afford us all. Find out more about becoming a member here.

Our Drive, Design and Discover working groups are settling into a regular operating rhythm and are turning their focus to their immediate work plans and priorities. Now is a great time to join those conversations, if you have not already. You can also join us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

We are also excited to have commissioned our first piece of consumer research, initiated by the Drive team. We’re working with one of our newest members, Yabble, to establish a baseline of public perceptions of digital identity in New Zealand. This includes an exploration of ownership and sovereignty, privacy, security, commercialisation and individual control. We’ll talk more about this as the research is rolled out and insights emerge.

Lastly, please take advantage of the events listed below. These are great opportunities to gain a better understanding of the digital identity ecosystem, as well as to meet a diverse bunch of great people to explore and collaborate with.

Kia kaha,

Andrew Weaver
Executive Director
Digital Identity NZ

News and Reports 

Lightning Lab GovTech is accepting applications for its July 2019 cohort. If you are in the public sector, don’t miss your chance be part of this project accelerator.

Past projects include Supersmooth which are working with the Ministry of Social Development to use new technologies to streamline the superannuation application process.

Talk to us if you have an idea and are looking for collaboration partners or agencies. We can help!

Jacinda Arden has pledged closer digital cooperation with Australia, and noted that recognising digital identities on both sides of the Tasman would create a foundation for growing the digital economy.   

Read the full Growing the trans-Tasman digital economy and maximising opportunities for SMEs report.

From bots to Chief Identity Officers, here are 15 predictions for digital identity trends in 2019 according to ThreatMetrix. Learn about the genderless digital voice the world needs right now.

How do we know that the people we are communicating with are who they say they are? Foolproof digital identity is the Holy Grail of online commerce. Is blockchain + self-sovereign identity the answer?

Find out what Socure believes are the three developments that will reshape digital identity in 2019, including one-click onboarding, AI identity verification and omni-channel authentication.A proposed Texas bill could ban anonymous crypto use in the State. Also, here’s what Mark Zuckerberg’s new vision for Facebook could really mean for privacy.

In new research, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) has developed a framework to understand the potential economic impact of digital ID. Read their report Digital Identification: A key to inclusive growth. Watch as as a panel of leading voices discuss  the value of digital ID for the global economy and society.

Upcoming Events

Today is the final day to register for the Auckland Leveraging Blockchain for your Digital Identity event on 21 March (tomorrow) which is being run in conjunction with BlockchainNZ and sponsored by IBM.

We’re looking forward to a day of problem-solving, connection-making and opportunity creation within the digital technology sector at the New Zealand Digital Skills Hui 2019, on Wednesday 27 March in Wellington.

Digital Identity NZ are pleased to join with Victoria University of Wellington, The Department of Internal Affairs and The Office of the Privacy Commissioner to announce Identity Conference 2019 – Identity as taonga: now and in the future.

This international conference is to be held at Te Papa, Wellington, on 26–27 August 2019. This the fourth in a series of conferences that began in 2008. The big idea is to look at the identity-related problems of today and the solutions of tomorrow.

Register before 29 March for a 40% discount off Seamless Asia 2019 the future of payments, banking, identity, ecommerce and retail.

The 2019 NZ Cyber Security Summit will examine the changing cyber landscape and what that means for the modern business ecosystem. The summit is being held on 15 October at Te Papa, Wellington.Sign up for the 3rd annual All-of-Government NZ Digital Transformation summit, 14–16 May in Wellington.

Tech Alliance Events and Information

There are only three weeks left to get your Techweek19 (20–26 May) event submissions in. Regional partnerships will ensure there are events celebrating tech and innovation, throughout the country. Head to the Techweek19 event portal to submit your event.

Register now for AI-DAY 2019 (27–28 March) in Auckland. AI-DAY brings together international experts, industry leaders, academics and local trailblazers to showcase how they’re changing the world with artificial intelligence.

Looking to network better with accelerators, funders, incubators and other businesses both locally and internationally? In April, Callaghan Innovation launches Scale-Up New Zealand, a free online platform with verified information on New Zealand’s innovation ecosystem.

Contribute, Connect and Join

A regular feature of our newsletters will be a spotlight on members. We’re keen to share stories and highlight opportunities for collaboration. Please contact us to submit your story.

If you would like to know more about joining Digital Identity NZ, the benefits and membership categories check out our joining page.

Digital Identity New Zealand A purpose driven, inclusive, membership funded organisation, whose members have a shared passion for the opportunities that digital identity can offer. Digital Identity NZ supports a sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy digital future for all New Zealanders.