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Digital Identity New Zealand

Te Reo and Identity


Kia ora,

Anei mātou te hāpori o Digital Identity NZ e mihi ana ki a koutou i tēnei wiki hirahira, ko te wiki o Te Reo Māori. Arohatia te reo, kia kaha te reo Māori! Warmest greetings to you all during te wiki o Te Reo Māori. Toku ingoa ko, my name is Janelle Riki-Waaka, Pouherenga Waka, Relationships Manager and Kaihuawaere, Consultant Core Education and Digital Identity member.

Ko te kai a te rangatira, he kōrero – the substance of chiefs is to engage in kōrero. We, here at DINZ, have been engaging in lots of kōrero recently about how we can give mana to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and be tiriti-honouring in our intent and actions. We’ve been on a learning journey together and we are in the process of formalising our thinking into a Te Tiriti o Waitangi Action Plan that will guide our DINZ mahi ensuring we are striving for equity in Aotearoa. Our statement of intent is: “Digital Identity New Zealand is committed to being tiriti honouring by giving mana to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and upholding our responsibilities as effective treaty partners with Māori (Tāngata Tiriti).”

In thinking about how the articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi relate to digital identity, here are just a few examples of our recent whakaaro: Article 1 – Kāwanatanga (Honourable Governance): DINZ understands our position as tangata tiriti and we affirm Māori as tangata whenua. Article 2 – Rangatiratanga (Māori Self-determination): We will seek to work alongside tangata whenua to support their aspirations and ensure their needs are addressed in the digital identity space. Article 3 – Ōritetanga (Equity): DINZ will work alongside iwi/hapū to ensure their voices are represented in kōrero about digital identity and their aspirations are realised in terms of digital identity solutions and developments. Article 4 – The Spoke Promise: Te Reo Māori will be celebrated in the digital identity ecosystem in Aotearoa and participating organisations will demonstrate and act on an understanding of their role as Tangata Tiriti.  

Digital Identity New Zealand is on a journey and we are firmly in the waka with hoe (paddle) in hand! We understand the need for us to ensure Māori perspectives relating to identity are leading our hearts, minds and actions. Identity is a taonga (precious possession) and as such must be protected. The connection our tamariki (children) have with their language, culture and identity will shape our future in Aotearoa.

He tina ki runga, he tāmore ki raro. ‘Contentment above, firmly rooted below.’  A good connection to your identity, culture and heritage will find contentment in life.

Janelle Riki-Waaka
DINZ Executive Council

Kia ora, thank you, Janelle. It is wonderful to have such a skilled and passionate kaiārahi (guide) in our DINZ Executive Council whanau, especially during te wiki o Te Reo Maori. 

We’re pleased to announce our first two DINZ Discussion Forum events: A legal analysis of AML Reliance (members only) 7 October – join us as we share a report commissioned by DINZ members on the challenges and opportunities in the sharing and re-use of identity information used for customer due diligence in AML Register here. Deep dive into our 2020 Trust and Identity research (members only) 30 September – we will share the full research report and explore its implications and the collaborative action we can take to address some of the issues highlighted Register here.    

And based on the success of our member spotlight sessions during Techweek, we are launching a quarterly member showcase series. The first of these will be a Spring Showcase on Thursday, 5th November. You can register your interest in presenting here.

For more information on joining DINZ head to the Get Involved section of our website. Next month we will be communicating with members on our Executive Council elections, which take place early December. We have four positions open for election/re-election.

Lastly, Happy International Identity Day! September 16 is International Identity Day (otherwise called “ID-Day”). It is an initiative led by ID4Africa to raise awareness about the important role identity plays in empowering individuals to exercise their rights and responsibilities fairly and equitably in a modern society. The  date 16 September was chosen in commemoration of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16.9 which calls for legal identity for all including birth registration by 2030.

Ngā Mihi,

Andrew Weaver
Executive Director

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Digital Identity New Zealand A purpose driven, inclusive, membership funded organisation, whose members have a shared passion for the opportunities that digital identity can offer. Digital Identity NZ supports a sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy digital future for all New Zealanders.