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Digital Identity New Zealand

The emerging framework of digital identity in NZ


As I write my first newsletter to you as Digital Identity New Zealand’s Executive Director, I’m acutely aware that I am familiarising myself with the controls as I operate them. Michael left large shoes to fill, so my feet will have to grow! I’ve been away from Aotearoa a while, so it’s good to be back and appreciate the progress being made. In my time away, I was privileged to lead an international digital identity industry organisation; one of the very few that operate a digital identity trust framework. So, you’ll understand how excited I was to arrive back in time to see the Digital Identity Trust Framework Bill progress through Parliament to its current Select Committee stage.
I look forward to joining you on that journey and bringing some learnings from my previous gig along too. I expect it to be DINZ’s key focus these next few months. Stakeholder collaboration is the key to success in the case of Trust Frameworks, so you can be sure that I’ll be looking for opportunities where DINZ can play a role.
I would also like to remind the community that nominations for the DINZ Executive Council are currently open. All member organisations can nominate a representative. Please help shape both the history and future direction of Aotearoa’s Digital Identity sector by submitting your nomination using the online form. The deadline for nominations is 5pm Thursday 28 October. Online elections will follow, and the new Council will be announced at our Annual Meeting on Thursday 2 December. If you are a member and would like to attend the Annual Meeting please register beforehand.
As many of you will be aware, the Digital Identity Trust Framework (DISTF) Bill was introduced to Parliament, has had its First Reading and the Select Committee is now accepting public submissions. This is great news and something that industry in general has encouraged and now welcomes. There is no better time to join and get involved in Digital Identity New Zealand to help shape this piece of the country’s tech history.
To that end, DINZ received a request from the Department of Internal Affairs to circulate to its primary member contacts some information about the Select Committee schedule and process. DINZ duly did so on October 15th and now wishes to share that with the wider community. Have your say on the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill by making a submission before 2 December 2021.

Ngā mihi,

Colin Wallis
Executive Director

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Digital Identity New Zealand A purpose driven, inclusive, membership funded organisation, whose members have a shared passion for the opportunities that digital identity can offer. Digital Identity NZ supports a sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy digital future for all New Zealanders.