Media Release

New NZ research highlights work needed to improve care of personal information

MEDIA RELEASE ‘When you know better, do better.’ New Digital Identity NZ research highlights the work required by organisations to improve the care of personal information and identity data. Two thirds of New Zealanders are now more likely to go online rather than face to face, yet a staggering 90% find it difficult or are … Continue reading "New NZ research highlights work needed to improve care of personal information"

Who can I rely on?

Reliance and trust are essential in the world of digital identity. It is fundamental when people give their identity information to those that receive it, and it also extends to the relationship between different organisations, technology and service providers who play a part.
Media Release

Most Kiwis worried about sharing private data

Nearly 80 percent of New Zealanders are worried about how their identity is managed online, Digital Identity NZ executive director Andrew Weaver will tell the inaugural New Zealand digital identity conference in Wellington next month.