Digital Identity NZ news
2025 is well underway with a healthy mix of activity, excitement and opportunity, Digital Trust included.
27 February 2025
Digital Identity NZ news
DINZ Executive Council Elections & Annual Meeting 2024
Kia ora, In December 2019, members elected the first Digital Identity NZ Executive Council. The Council is the governing group for the association, providing guidance and direction as we navigate the evolving world of digital identity in Aotearoa. Each Council member is elected for a two-year term, with elections held annually, and results notified at … Continue reading "DINZ Executive Council Elections & Annual Meeting 2024"
15 October 2024
Digital Identity NZ news
Sponsorship Opportunities for a Thriving Future
Digital Identity NZ offers terrific opportunities to promote and associate your brand and organisation with the very best mahi. As a sponsor you can input into the design and content of these assets too! In 2024 we have the following ideas concepted, ready for a sponsor to take them forward; In addition we have a … Continue reading "Sponsorship Opportunities for a Thriving Future"
18 January 2024
Digital Identity NZ news
Executive Council nominations now open
In December 2019, members elected the first Digital Identity NZ Executive Council. The Council is the governing group for the association; providing guidance and direction as we navigate the developing world of digital identity in Aotearoa. Each Council member is elected for a two-year term, with elections held annually and results notified at the Annual … Continue reading "Executive Council nominations now open"
16 October 2023
Digital Identity NZ news
Inclusive and Ethical Use of Digital Identity Research Paper Published
The Inclusive and Ethical Use of Digital Identity Working Group (IEUDI) have written a research and discussion paper report looking into inclusivity and ethics in digital identity. Purpose of this paper The purpose of this paper is to research existing mahi in the areas of inclusivity and ethics in digital identity. Once we have this … Continue reading "Inclusive and Ethical Use of Digital Identity Research Paper Published"
11 October 2022
Digital Identity NZ news
2022 Executive Council nominations now open
There is now an opportunity to put yourself forward or nominate someone else for a role on the Digital Identity NZ Executive Council.
06 October 2022
Digital Identity NZ news
Be part of shaping DINZ’s mahi
It has been three weeks since the Digital Trust Hui Taumata at Te Papa Tongarewa and yet it still resonates with many delegates, judging by feedback I continue to receive. It’s a clear indicator of a great event that Digital Identity NZ and NZTech worked hard to bring to the community, overcoming the significant challenges of the time.
17 August 2022
Digital Identity NZ news
Leading the digital trust conversation
Why is digital trust so important? We asked Digital Identity NZ’s executive director Colin Wallis for his perspective on an equitable digital future. Plus, we preview the top trends in digital identity.
15 July 2022
Digital Identity NZ news
Announcing new Executive Director and farewell to Andrew Weaver
Introducing the new Executive Director for Digital Identity NZ and formally farewelling Andrew Weaver as the outgoing Executive Director. We are excited to announce that Michael Murphy joins us as the new Executive Director for DINZ. With a wide and diverse background, Michael is active in the investment and startup communities along with business mentoring. He … Continue reading "Announcing new Executive Director and farewell to Andrew Weaver"
30 March 2021
Digital Identity NZ news
New faces, new opportunities
Digital Identity NZ is entering a new phase of its journey; our superlative inaugural Chair David Morrison is joined by Ben Tairea as Co-Chair and Tamāra Al-Salim as Deputy Chair.
17 March 2021
Digital Identity NZ news
Executive Council Update and seeking a new Executive Director
Papaki kau ana ngā tai o mihi ki a koutou katoa. As the Kiwi summer rolls on it brings with it a sense of optimism for 2021 and reminds us how truly blessed we are to call Aotearoa New Zealand home. The year ahead for our digital identity ecosystem and DINZ is one of optimism … Continue reading "Executive Council Update and seeking a new Executive Director"
11 February 2021
Digital Identity NZ news
Seeking Digital Identity NZ Executive Council nominations
In December last year members elected the first Digital Identity NZ Executive Council. The Council is the governing group for the association; providing guidance and direction as we navigate the developing world of digital identity in Aotearoa.
15 October 2020