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Digital Identity New Zealand

Aotearoa Digital Identity Hui Taumata


A big mihi to Janelle for her gift of words in our last newsletter, celebrating te wiki o Te Reo Māori. And thank you all for your kind words and encouragement in support of the message. There is more to come!

As we come toward the end of a year unlike any other, we’re excited to be bringing you a unique virtual event – our first ever Aotearoa Digital Identity Hui Taumata (summit). There is much on the Digital Identity horizon in 2021, including the introduction of a Digital Identity Bill and further MBIE-led engagement on a potential Consumer Data Right. In addition to this, we are also making exciting progress as the digital identity ecosystem in Aotearoa/New Zealand really starts to take shape.

The Hui will feature an all-Māori panel in a Kapa Kōrero session, sharing with us Māori perspectives on digital identity. The DIA Digital Identity Transition Programme will also bring us a substantive update on the Interim Trust Framework, and the opportunities it will bring in 2021.

We’re grateful and delighted to be partnering with Payments NZ to bring two international identity luminaries in Bianca Lopes and David Birch. Bianca will bring her unique South American style to explore the latest in privacy as it relates to digital identity. If you are not familiar with her work, check out her Sizzle Reel and the excellent B in the Know series. David is well known to us in New Zealand, and he’s excited to be connecting again with the Trust Framework now moving ahead. David will deploy his inimitable humour and insight to talk about “Stress Testing Digital Identity”. If you’re new to David’s work, check out this TedX talk.

This half day online event is priced at $195, with a discounted $95 rate for DINZ, Tech Alliance and Payments NZ members (including Payments NZ Participants and API Centre Standards Users). A special $45 rate is available for students and community organisations. You can register here.

Other upcoming events
Thank you to everyone who has participated in our recent kōrero sessions, morning coffee calls and webinars. We have another excellent session scheduled for tomorrow – Privacy in our digital worlds, featuring Liz MacPherson (Assistant Privacy Commissioner), Karen Ngan (Partner, Simpson Grierson) and Alice Tregunna (CEO, Trust . Integrity . Compliance Co).

We’re also looking forward to our next DINZ member showcase. The Spring edition is on Thursday 5 November.  There are still a couple of places available for members who are interested in presenting. Please contact us here.

Finally, a reminder that our AGM is coming up in early December. We have four Executive Council positions up for election – two each in the Major Corporate and SME/Startup categories. Nominations are open now. We especially welcome nominations from those involved in healthcare and kaupapa Māori organisations. And as a youth perspective is incredibly important and pertinent to the work we do, we are also encouraging nominations from young people within your organisations.

Ngā Mihi,

Andrew Weaver
Executive Director

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Digital Identity New Zealand A purpose driven, inclusive, membership funded organisation, whose members have a shared passion for the opportunities that digital identity can offer. Digital Identity NZ supports a sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy digital future for all New Zealanders.