
2023 – the standout year that keeps on giving!

Kia ora e te whānau What a year! A record 270+ registrations for the Te Matarau and Āhau sponsored DINZ event ‘What is digital Identity and what does it mean for Maori’, the first-of-its-kind state of digital identity in Aotearoa report, a record attendance at the Digital Trust Hui Taumata keynoted by the legendary Victor Dominello, and the country’s first ever Age Assurance … Continue reading "2023 – the standout year that keeps on giving!"

‘Identiful’ Digital Wallets and why you should care | October Newsletter

Kia ora e te whānau You would have heard digital wallets mentioned almost every week, if not every day, over the past couple of years. They formed part of the discussion on this International Panel I participated in very early one morning last week.  As conversations build on each other and as we increasingly use banking apps, … Continue reading "‘Identiful’ Digital Wallets and why you should care | October Newsletter"

Why it’s too early for Biometrics regulation in Aotearoa

'Digital Identity NZ's submission to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner on a potential code of practice for Biometrics is possibly the most comprehensive response to a submission on Biometrics ever done in Aotearoa in recent times’

Australia’s National Strategy for Identity Resilience | July Newsletter

Kia ora e te whānau On 23 June the Australian government released its National Strategy for Identity Resilience which consists of ten principles to guide digital identity resilience, setting a precedent for how New Zealand’s own digital identity rules could be developed under the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act. For example, it mentions a seamless Commonwealth, … Continue reading "Australia’s National Strategy for Identity Resilience | July Newsletter"

2023 the break out year for Digital Identity | June Newsletter

The emergence of verifiable credentials (VCs), has paved the way for secure and reliable digital identification and authentication. Today, we stand witness to a significant milestone as verifiable credentials have reached a level of maturity that enables their practical application in various real-world use cases. In New Zealand, the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework (DISTF) … Continue reading "2023 the break out year for Digital Identity | June Newsletter"

Ethics and inclusion – building trust for Digital ID Services

Kia ora e te whānau Trust is a fundamental component of human relationships. There are many ways to define trust, often depending on whether the relationship is personal or professional. One definition which resonates with me comes from leading expert on trust in the modern world, Rachel Botsman, who said ‘trust is a confident relationship … Continue reading "Ethics and inclusion – building trust for Digital ID Services"

Prioritising digital identity as part of your cybersecurity strategy | March Newsletter

Kia ora e te whānau The importance of prioritising digital identity as part of your cybersecurity strategy. I was recently inspired to think about how identity is perceived and used after listening to Eminem’s rap song, “The Way I Am” specifically the chorus “And I am whatever you say I am, If I wasn’t, then … Continue reading "Prioritising digital identity as part of your cybersecurity strategy | March Newsletter"

The State of Digital Identity in Aotearoa | November Newsletter

October, November and December are the busiest months for DINZ as they are in many organisations. DINZ has been hard at work planning the Digital Trust Hui Taumata 2023 confirmed for 1 Aug 2023 at Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington. Save that date! Get in touch to sponsor or exhibit.